Community Service

Civic Engagement Co-Chairs Destiny Ortega and Chenyu Zheng organize service activities for Wilson students. These include opportunities on-campus and in the surrounding community. If you have any information about community service opportunities, please do not hesitate to pass the information along to them.

Public Speaker Series

This fall, the focus is on community service -- in particular,the variety of ways in which you can help -- and the reasons why you should. The experiences of WWS graduate students and professors will be featured at these events. All talks will be held in the Wilcox Private Dining Room.

Date Topic
October 1st Service Opportunities after Graduation
(Peace Corps, AmeriCorp)
October 10th Foreign Service Opportunities
November 19 Education/Think Tank Opportunities
(Teach for America, KIPP)
December 3 Environment & Climate Change Opportunities

Come celebrate with a Week of Service!

Now that midterms are over, and you've fully adjusted to being (back) at Princeton, come help us celebrate community service in Wilson College. Sure, you might have spent Fall Break as a couch potato, instead of embodying the spirit in which the (student-initiated!) tradition was first instituted, but that doesn't make it too late to help out!

Rather than being simply a single one-week service project, the Wilson Week of Service (WWoS) (November 12-19) is designed to encourage consistent and sustained participation in community service by Wilsonites. The WWoS is intended to help you find a way to give back that suits your interests and the demands on your time -- it's over 20 Student Volunteers Council (SVC) projects (tutoring, music outreach, blood drives, and more!), plus presentations and panel discussions with Woodrow Wilson School professors and graduate students. Sign-ups are November 9-11 during lunch and dinner (immediately outside Wilcox Dining Hall). If you have questions, please email Civic Engagement Co-Chairs Destiny Ortega and Chenyu Zheng.

Upcoming Events

Soup Kitchen
If you're staying over Thanksgiving Break, please join other Wilsonites at the Soup Kitchen this holiday. Thanksgiving is often one of the biggest meals served at a soup kitchen, and the extra help would be very much appreciated.

Toy Drive
This holiday season, give a young child a gift. Wilson College, in cooperation with several local schools, will be distributing presents to underprivileged children in the area.

Clothing Swap
When exams are over, it's time for some spring cleaning! This intersession, clean out your closet and help out the less fortunate. Like last year's clothing swap, this event is not just limited to clothes, but also includes all sorts of accessories. This event is in cooperation with the Student Volunteers Council.

Past Events

Clothing Drive/Swap

The Wilson College Council sponsored a clothing drive/swap from April 1st to April 8th. Items, not strictly limited to clothing (accessories, books,CDs) were donated. All items were sold for $1 at the study break on April 8th (10 pm, Wilcox Commons). Proceeds ($51) and remaining items (ten boxes) were donated to the Trenton Rescue Mission.

Feltonville Recreational Center

On Saturday, March 14, 2009, several Wilsonites spent a day in Philadelphia helping out at the Feltonville Recreational Center, as a "Day of Service" sponsored by "City Year" of Greater Philadelphia. "Operation Clean Start," a community-based campaign to fix up the city's recreational centers, had identified Feltonville as in need of major physical repair. Wilsonites Andrew Hui (RGS), Destiny Ortega, and Chenyu Zheng, along with Luciana Chamorro (Whitman), Qin Zhi Lau (Whitman), Morgan Ong (Butler), Atanas Petkov (Rocky), and Qiaochu Yuan (Rocky), helped paint fences and murals, and played games with the kids.