The World-historical Meaning of Inferno 1.1 as Confirmed by Paradiso 9.40
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) November 22, 2009
A Defence of the Protagonist: Inf.1-2
Tony Cuzzilla, November 5, 2011
Inferno 1.16-17: “e vidi le sue spalle / vestite”
Richard Lansing (Brandeis University) December 10, 2007
Fra lessico e architettura: Ipotesi per i 'cerchi' danteschi
Jonathan Usher (Edinburgh University) December 7, 2000
«...ripresi via per la piaggia diserta» (Inf  1.29)
Antonio Soro (University of Sassari) June 25, 2010
New evidence toward identifying Dante's enigmatic lonza (Inferno 1.32)
Gloria Allaire (Ohio University) August 7, 1997
Inf. 34.96: “e già  il sole a mezza terza riede”
Nicola Fosca (Independent Scholar) September 21, 2015
Inf. 1.37: “E ’l sol montava ’n sù con quelle stelle”
Alberto Pimpinelli (Independent Scholar) January 1, 2012
Thema mundi: Macrobio, Virgilio e Inferno 1.37-40
Alberto Pimpinelli (Università© Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand) August 14, 2010
Dante, Ulisse e l’altro viaggio (Inf. I 91)
Lino Pertile (Harvard University) June 12, 2007
Inf. II.96: “sì che duro giudizio là  sù frange”
Nicola Fosca (Independent Scholar, March 5, 2011
I doppi di Caronte: Diffrazione di un tema virgiliano nella Commedia (Inferno 3)
Simone Marchesi (Princeton University) March 30, 1999
«Il gran rifiuto» (Inf. iii 59-60)
Romano Manescalchi (Independent Scholar) April 8, 2014
Petrarch reads Inferno 4
Jonathan Usher (Edinburgh University) December 5, 2000
The “nobile castello” of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth: Inferno 4.106-108
Jacopo della Quercia (Independent Scholar) December 11, 2013
Virgil's Return (Inferno IV.79-81)
Robert Hollander (Princeton University) November 24, 2012
"Ancor non m'abbandona" (Inferno 5.105)
Lino Pertile (Harvard University) August 24, 1996
The Trouble with Ciacco (Inferno 6)
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) July 5, 2013
«La tua città» (Inf. VI, 49)
Romano Manescalchi (Liceo Classico “Plinio il Giovane”, Città  di Castello) 2 August 2002
Inferno IX.58-63: sotto ’l velame de li versi strani
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) October 20, 2013
Inferno XII: The Role of Nessus in the Crossing of Phlegethon
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) July 03, 2014
Inferno XIII.99: "...come gran di spelta".
Nicola Fosca (unaffiliated scholar, Turin) September 27, 2003
Pier delle Vigne and Judas Iscariot: A Note on Inferno XIII
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) July 12, 2014
On the Possibility of an "Innocent" Reading of Cato in the Desert: Inferno XIV.15
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) October 27, 2014
Inferno XV.29: "chinando la mia alla sua faccia"
Robert Hollander (Princeton University) August 20, 2001
Dante's harmonious homosexuals (Inferno 16.7-90)
Robert Hollander (Princeton University) June 27, 1996
Virgil's Digression and Dante's Comedia
Mathew Collins (Harvard University) February 7, 2016
«...e già  iernotte fu la Luna tonda» (Inf XX, 127): ipotesi sulla Janua Inferni di Inf III, 1-9
Antonio Soro (University of Sassari) April 14, 2010
The Two Centers of Malebolge
Denise Heilbronn-Gaines (Northern Illinois University, Emerita) May 12, 2006
Inferno 27.21: "Istra ten va, più non t'adizzo": a new hypothesis
Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) May 05, 2007

Response: Virgil is not angry. A note on Inferno 27.21
Lino Pertile (Harvard University) December 13, 2007

La "diffrazione per istituto" e la tradizione dell 'Ottimo commento:
opus practicum del commentatore (Inferno 28.6-12). Il caso di Gervasio Tilliberense.

Claudia Di Fonzo (Institution di Firenze) July 19, 2001
Una possibile fonte per l’antropofagia cranica, le cagne, le lune e il sogno di Ugolino
Ambrogio Camozzi (MPhil Candidate, Cambridge University) December 19, 2008
Response: Robert Hollander (Princeton University, Emeritus) January 21, 2009
Dante's Antaeus(Inferno 31.97-132)
Robert Hollander (Princeton University) May 31, 2000