
The Crumpled State: Crumpling Dynamics and the Evolution of Damage Networks

Shmuel Rubinstein, Harvard University -- The simple process of crumpling a sheet of paper with our hands results in a complex network of interconnected permanent creases of many sizes and orientations. Sheet preferentially bends along these creases, introducing history dependence to the process of crumpling. I will present an experimental study of the dynamics of crumpling. Specifically, I will first discuss how a crease network evolves when a thin elastoplastic sheet is repeatedly crumpled, opened up and then re-crumpled. Is there a maximally crumpled state after which the flat sheet can be deformed without further plastic damage? If time permits I will also I'll discuss the crumpling of soda cans, focusing on our attempts to characterize their stability in the case where on single defect dominates buckling. For more information, please go to


September 20, 2017


12:00 p.m.