
Panel Discussion, India's Crisis Decade: the 1970's and Contemporary Analogies

During the 1970s, India experienced war, inflation, student and popular protests and, most impactful of all, the Emergency of 1975-77: a twenty-two month period when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi suspended constitutional rights and democracy and governed in authoritarian mode. Historians have only recently begun to turn their attention to this period of multiple crises in India, and to examining its longer term effects on the shaping of India¿s democracy and its economics. Princeton historian Gyan Prakash and historian Srinath Raghavan, based in Mumbai and a Professor at Ashoka University, will discuss their research on India in the 1970s, and debate to what extent the events of that decade offer any insights on the current rise of authoritarian nationalism in India.


April 18, 2018


4:30 p.m.