Event details


Inner Peace, Global Peace

Harnessing the Power of Meditation to Effect Lasting Change – a talk and meditation led by Radhika Prabhu. Radhika Prabhu works at the intersection of foreighn policy and women's rights in Washington, DC. An expert on inclusive economic growth, she has held positons at the United Nations, Inter-American Development Bank, and World Bank.  She is a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relgioans.  To feed her soul, she volunteers as a Happiness Teacher with the Art of Living Foundation and has taught integrated wellness across North America and in India.  Radhika has a Master of Science in Forein Service from Georgetown University.

Questions?  Contact Vineet Chander, Hindu Life Chaplain - vchander@princeton.edu


April 18, 2019


6:00 p.m.