Event details


South Asia Translation Workshop

We are delighted to announce that the South Asia Translation Workshop is relaunching this semester. This workshop convenes on a monthly basis to collaborate on translating and discussing South Asian literature and culture. As many of you know, South Asian texts are written in dozens of languages and are difficult to get hold of and read. There are currently few opportunities for students to gather and discuss them—or the challenges and pleasures of working with them. This group seeks to provide that space.

As with previous workshops, we will circulate a short text before each workshop. Please bring your rough and ready translation with you to the meeting! During the meeting, we will share our translations, and talk about the text together. The workshop is meant for first time translators as well as those who have thought about translating South Asian languages before—so please don't be shy if this is your first foray into translation!

Our first session, to be held on February 22nd, will focus on Sa'adat Hasan Manto's 1948 eight-line story (or prose poem), 'Sôri' [Sorry]. Please email Meher Ali (msali@princeton.edu) or Aliya Ram (aliyar@princeton.edu) for a copy of the text in nastaliq, devanagari and romanized transliterated forms.


February 22, 2024


4:30 p.m.


East Pyne Building, 111


University Sponsors

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication