Princeton University will launch a new online student portal, TigerHub, where undergraduate and graduate students plan and enroll in courses, access academic records and maintain personal information. TigerHub will launch the first week of November at and will replace the homepage of SCORE (the Student Course Online Registration Engine).
The Office of the Registrar and Office of Information Technology oversaw the development of TigerHub, which will feature a new calendar-based Course Planner that is integrated with the course enrollment process. TigerHub will go live on Nov. 3 and the Course Planner will be available on Nov. 6, the same day that Course Offerings for the spring 2015 semester is published online.

The University will launch on Nov. 3 a new online student portal, TigerHub, where students can plan and enroll in courses as well as access academic and personal information. This image shows how TigerHub's main page may look to undergraduate students. (Images courtesy of the Office of the Registrar)
"TigerHub was developed with significant input from students, and we hope it will meet their needs for seamless and integrated services," University Registrar Polly Winfrey Griffin said. "Students should find TigerHub easier to navigate and more user-friendly than the previous system."
TigerHub incorporates a clear menu of student services. It features an announcement section that will highlight relevant enrollment dates and services; the student's weekly class schedule (including the teaching schedule for graduate students); the student's final exam schedule; and the course queue used by students to enroll in classes.
Undergraduate and graduate student representatives served on the project's steering committee and development team to help recommend, design and test features. Students also helped name TigerHub.
"We were able to attend planning meetings, pilot the program and give ongoing feedback to the developers," said Undergraduate Student Government President Shawon Jackson, a senior. "This collaborative approach has led to a product that will positively impact student life.

TigerHub was developed with significant student input and it incorporates a clear menu of student services for undergraduate and graduate students. This image shows how TigerHub's main page may look to graduate students.
The new Course Planner allows students to search for courses, plan courses on a calendar, print plans for conversations with advisers and send approved plans from the Course Planner to the course queue for enrollment.
"The Course Planner lets students develop multiple course plans and has an auto-save function that captures plans after each activity so students don't have to worry about losing plans in development," Griffin said. "Students can experiment with the 'pin sections' feature to view all sections of a course in the calendar before making their selection."
The tool also permits students to include events, such as athletic practices or student organization meetings, that may affect their schedules.

TigerHub will feature a new calendar-based Course Planner that is integrated with the course enrollment process. The Course Planner will be available on Nov. 6, the same day that Course Offerings for the spring 2015 semester is published online.
"I think students will be especially excited to learn that you can add personal and extracurricular activities to your Course Planner, so you can visualize your academic, personal and other calendars simultaneously," Jackson said.
Griffin said she thinks students also will appreciate that they can send their course plans to the course queue with a click of a button.
"Students will no longer have to copy course numbers into the queue," she said.
Graduate Student Government President Sean Edington said he thinks graduate students will find many TigerHub features particularly useful.
"The landing page allows for simple and easy access to features that are important to graduate students; graduate students also will be able to see their teaching schedules for preceptorials or labs embedded into the weekly schedule on the landing page; and the Course Planner's functions will be of major benefit to those graduate students who are taking classes," he said.
Once TigerHub goes live, further suggestions or comments about the website may be sent to Technical issues or questions should be directed to the Office of Information Technology Support and Operations Center.