The following is an updated list of University employee retirements.
Effective June 1: in the carpenter shop, carpenter Daniel Reffner, after 33 years.
Effective July 1: in the Office of Information Technology, senior accountant and budget analyst Marcia Adelman, after 20 years; in the department of music, Anthony H.P Lee Senior Lecturer in Jazz Studies Anthony Branker, after 19 years; in the department of Slavic languages and literatures, undergraduate coordinator Frances Carrol, after 20 years; on the staff of Princeton Alumni Weekly, class notes and reunions guide editor Frances Hulette, after 12 years; in the library, special collections assistant V Hsing-feng Liu, after 46 years; in the Office of Finance & Treasury, director of mortgage services Lorrie McGough, after 24 years; in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, principal research physicist Sidney Medley, after 38 years.
Effective August 1: in the Woodrow Wilson School, director of graduate career services and alumni relations Ann Corwin, after 42 years; in the Office of the President, assistant to the president Mary DeLorenzo, after 16 years; in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, experimental technician II Eugene Kearns IV, after 36 years.